Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Years Resolutions.

The New Year is here and everyone I know are making new years resolutions. I don’t really believe in them, but a new year is like a new book makes me want to be a better person, a better parent, and a better wife. There is something in the new year that makes us make plans to do this or that. We feel that its a new beginning and in this we can either start over, or became someone even better. But there are people who never make new years resolutions, my husband is one of them. He said its no use in making resolutions he is not planning to keep, but if he feels that something needs a change, he can start at it any day of the year.

I know that in making resolutions, I need to make little steps toward my goal, that I can do everyday. That way little by little I will accomplish my goal. Long time goals with out little steps toward them are empty ones, its almost imposible to reach them.

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