Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Darling gifts from up above, my children.

My children are the gifts from God. Each child is unique with their individual personality and character. Each child is like an open book, with blank pages, for me as a parent to fill those pages with good positive encouragement and instruction in godly ways, or I can just let them learn on their own, from any source that they come into contact with.

Every parent wants their children to grow up to be good, responsible adults, loving, caring, and honest. But it sure is hard to install those qualities in our children, how do parents even do it?.

I feel bad if my children watch too many cartoons, or if I don’t spend much quality time with each child. I get consumed by guilt, and start thinking that I should do better the next day. And it happens everyday. Of course some days are better and some are worse. My two year old says to me, "don’t be afraid mommy, God is always with you." That’s the best advise, I should pray to God to give me wisdom in raising my children and being a better mother. I am glad God blesses us with little bundles of joy, so we can help them grow up into adults, who in turn will have their own children to pass the wisdom to.


  1. Lena, you have such beautiful children , esp. baby Leona, what an adorable girl! she has grown so much! she is just soooo cute!

  2. Another thing, sometimes its not just the quality 'time' that you need to give your children, but mothering moments, that whenever a child comes up to you, you give her your attention, encourage her, and send her off with your love and smile, those are the moments children thrive on.


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