Saturday, January 9, 2010

Blog name change.

Welcome to my New Years blog! The name has changed from Kissing my family to a new title: His Flower Kingdom.... Yea I know I couldn’t think of anything else, but since I love flowers, I wanted to name it Flower Garden or Garden of Hope, but the name belongs to other blogs, so I couldn’t use that. I know that I should live my life and strive for the everlasting flower garden, which would be in heaven. Also our life should represent a beautiful, delicious smelling flower. Not a huge pile of garbage, stinky and attracting flies and worms.

I am hoping this new year to write and post pictures of flowers, of beauty, of ordinary things. To write about my girls, and post pictures of all that we do and how we enjoy Gods flower kingdom. We do live in His beautiful kingdom here on earth, some parts of it are neglected and not so beautiful as when God created it. But still even now there are so many beautiful spots on earth, if we only stop to look.

I live in a large city, so where ever I am in my city I look for nature: for flowers, for wild grass, for birds, for trees that bring such delightful shade. I enjoy fresh air and every time we can we go on a walk with my girl, I teach them to love nature too, and praise God the Creator for all the lovely things we see.

Here is a little friend that comes to visit us in our backyard.

A cute little fellow that comes to beg for nuts and bread. We also have birds visiting us as well, but they are too fast for me and my camera. In having a nice, large yard for the first year of our life’s, and being able to plant a garden last spring, I am waiting with impatience for this spring, to plant a new garden with more flowers, more vegetables, and more herb... oh I cant wait.

Here are my 3 little girls playing and hugging each other, the baby doesn’t really want all their love and attention, but she will stand it for a little while. They are my little flowers as well. Each child unique and special. In Gods kingdom I need to make sure they grow in His truth, love and learn all that I as a parent should teach them. Oh, God give me wisdom to teach them right.

I do hope this year I will have a lot of fun with my blog, and I hope you as my readers will enjoy visiting my little flower garden, filled with little girls, flowers, beautiful pictures and smiles.

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Comments are like seeds, with each kind word a flower will bloom and the wind will blow petals your way, I love reading your comments.