Thursday, May 28, 2020

Don't let anyone extinguish your light.

Mornings are so beautiful, so fresh and crisp. The first rays of sunshine hit the darkness of the night, they split the darkness and it has to go away. The day always wins, night can't linger.

We have a light inside of us, that points us onto the right path, into goodness, into everything that is lovely and beautiful. Do not let anyone destroy that light inside of you, by being mean, humiliating or abusive in any way to you. Do not let anyone destroy that goodness inside of you. You alone have power to decide what you want to do, not someone else for you. Do not give in to fear, to doubt, to despair and depression.

Just because someone has been mean to you and upset you in some way, don't let that situation phase you in any way. Yes, the situation is bad, but it is how you react to the situation that is in your power. 

Jesus is the source of all light, goodness and healing. He is the one who can help you in any situation. He is the Healer and the guiding light. Do not let anyone take you away from the source of this amazing light. 

You will overcome this. You will make it. You will survive. You will go on. Mornings always come, no matter how deep is the night. Light always wins.

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