Sunday, May 10, 2020

A long time ago.

It happened many moons back, when I opened my blog. I was super excited about it, and enjoyed writing and keeping up with it. Things happened, like having a few children, moving to a new house, continued to work full time, and somehow the time slipped away from me and the blog was forgotten. Now that I am back, I realized that life can be as busy as can be, but things we like doing still have to be done. It is hard as a mother to find time for my self, I am sure a lot of mothers can vote to that, but needing that special alone time, to write, to garden, to photograph, to create, what ever it may be... we need it a lot.

With corona virus happening this year, we are quarantined here in California and told to protect our selves and our families by staying home. But being cupped up and not able to do the basics that we are used to do, brings a lot of frustrations to life. Frustrations with husband, with children, with the weather, with little things that are driving us crazy, when in previous times, may not even registered with us. But life must go on, spring and summer will not wait for anyone, and I feel that things have to expand and we will learn from this to spread our wings to fly.

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