Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Today is the day!

Today is the day to be thankful for my husband, who can fix anything, who loves me even when I grumble and complain, who plays with the baby and always puts gas in my car.

Today is the day to be thankful for my 3 little girls, to admit that when we plan things like kids, our plans don't line up with Gods plans, since the baby wasn't planned, but is more of a blessing and joy all the way around.

Today is the day to be thankful for the childish, loud, protesting voices, for the little, sticky, chocolate covered hands and the constant toys all over the house.

Today is the day to be thankful for the eyesight I have, to be able to see the beauty around me, to be able to dig in the dirt and plant flowers, and smelling and eating my garden fresh tomatoes.

Today is the day to be thankful, for tomorrow may not even come.
holy experience


Comments are like seeds, with each kind word a flower will bloom and the wind will blow petals your way, I love reading your comments.