Monday, July 13, 2009

The gray shadow of my soul...

I have been feeling a bit glum the past week, like a gray cloud hovering over my soul.. I don't know why... why this sadness, this restlessness, the tiredness, the seeking of something to quiet my soul...

I read on one of my blogger friends, that gratitude helps with sadness. Thankfulness takes away the unhappiness.

I want to try it...

I am thankful for the deepness of the blue sky... for the hot summer sun...
for the flowers... and the leaves... the wind lifting my curtains in a gentle breeze... for a child's laugh, the smile, the sweet brown eyes... the kisses, the hugs, the love... for my husband's strong embrace, for when I feel weak he is still strong...
I am thankful for the job I have, for so many are struggling financially... I am thankful for being able to see the beauty of everyday, the twilight... the yellow moon... I am thankful for my peppermint tea, and for the root beer that is so good, you can buy it at Trader Joe's. :)
I am thankful for the things I take for granted like a good night sleep, my babies health, my car, and for being able to pray and serve our God when ever we want.

The other day my oldest said to me: 'Mommy, you cook breakfast, Daddy will make tea, and we will just watch...', the faith of a child, if only we could be like that. God you take care of my life, Jesus help me everyday and I will just sit back and watch. If only our faith was like that.

holy experience

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post! I pray you feel better in the morning. I'm listening to this right now


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