Sunday, October 18, 2009

I give thanks....

I bring the offering of my mouth to the throne of our Lord.

I thank you for the early chilly hours when my little one wakes me up, and we get to snuggle under the warm blankets in peace and contentment.

I thank you for the first steaming hot cup of coffee, to the sound of the teapot as it whistles, and the easiness of turning on the stove.

I thank you for the sweetness of my children, with all their bickering, nagging, and whining my ears get to hear.

I thank you for the easiness in doing my family's laundry, for I used to live in an apartment, where I had to go outside up and down the stairs to use a public laundry facility. Sometimes I had to wait for someone else to take their laundry out before I could do mine.

I thank you that I live in this country where everything is so much easier, like going shopping, for food, clothes, and not worrying that someone will rip you off, sell you damaged goods, or just take your money away. My parents lived through that in their country of birth... that was hard for them.

I thank you for this amazing opportunity of talking to You, for hearing me, for knowing me, for carrying my burdens. I am so happy that we can go through life with Jesus by our side... just think if He wasn’t there for would be so empty and sad.

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