Tuesday, September 8, 2009

God is in control no matter what!!

My life is hard sometimes. I am sure I am not the only one…The road gets tough. I complain, I cry, I rebel but nothing I do will change my circumstances until God chooses to change them for me. Knowing that He is the one in control gives me a sense of relief, of wonder and hope. For He is a loving father, and knows my hearts desire.

My health is not as it used to be. I work full time and my hearts desire is to be a stay at home mommy to my 3 little girls. My husband and I don’t see eye to eye on this subject. But knowing that it is in Gods hand, makes me feel better. He does have a bigger plan for everything in my life. I read a story somewhere recently about a lady who had cancer, and was told that she may not make it. She had lots of scars from all kinds of treatments, bald head from radiation.... in her story she said that everything that happens in our life is Gods way of teaching us to be better, stronger, and more christian in our walk with him. That every scar and every tear is a way for us to draw closer to God, to lean on him, to pray to him, for he is there for us no matter what. For everything that happens, there is a higher reason. A bigger plan that God unfolds.

I am learning to be content in every day life. With all its ups and downs. My most precious things in my life are my darling little girls, my husband, my health... and everything else are blessings that we are blessed with each minute of our life.

The other day I was dressing my 2 year old into a dress that my 5 year old used to wear, when she saw the dress she said to her sister.
-“you see Odelia, I used to wear that dress, now it got small, so you get to wear it, and then it will get even smaller and the baby will get to wear it as well.” Isn’t that just too cute?
I enjoy my little baby how she lifts her little chubby legs up in the air and lays there like that, tries to sit up …its hilarious. Kids are given to us as little blessings- to teach us more patience, to be more generous, less selfish, lets us be a better person, for we do try to model a better behavior so our kids would follow in our footsteps, as you know they copy everything...;)

1 comment:

  1. I am smiling and chuckling over the pictures in your sidebar -- each of your princesses wearing a crown. Wonderful.


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