Keeping house organized is my specialty as well... cleaning out closets, bookshelves, girls room and making sure the girls have clean clothes is on my to do list always....
Cooking and cleaning the kitchen is my forte as well, no one else thinks of cleaning the spilled milk in the fridge, or wiping splatters off the stove top, nope... if I don't do it, it will sit there until Jesus second coming.
I always wonder, is this how God created women in general, to be housewife's, homemakers, mothers, and caregivers... as well as loving wives to our dear husbands?
Its a very fulfilling role to be able to do all of the mentioned above, and be a happy, optimistic wife. The number one reason why it is fulfilling and promising, is when we know that the way we clean, fold laundry or take care of our children can never be done any better by someone else. You look behind you on everything that you accomplished, some days more, and some days less and congratulate yourself on the job well done.
A lot of women I know don't really love the job that they are given. They do it out of responsibility, and complain about doing it every minute, which makes it an exhausting chore. They always ask themselves is this what I am to do for the rest of my life? Clean after my children, cook for my family, wash dishes and wipe after my husband when he always splatters water on the sink top?
Sometimes my list of things to do is way too long... and never gets done... because by the time I finish the whole list of things to do, I need to start over from the beginning, since everything is a mess again..:)
Being a woman, a homemaker, a housewife, a mother, a wife is a hard job... but we are blessed with little feet, and little hands, and sticky kisses.... with strong embraces, scratchy chins.... with a clean house, a home, a family.....
Two are better than on, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? {Ecclesiastes 4:9-11}