Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Myself and motherhood.

Everyone knows that becoming a mother is an amazing experience, I should know, I have 6 children. The only thing no one tells you is that a lot of time, with each child you feel like there is no more of self left, except being a mommy 24 hours/7 days a week. Children bring a lot of joy to us, a lot of challenges, and a lot of pain.
I keep telling myself that with each child, with each stage of their life, it is changing so fast, babyhood, moves into teenagers, into adults, that we are amazed to see how everyone have grown. It is like you wake up one morning and stare at those rowdy teenagers at your breakfast table and wonder where did they come from, because they were just little ones, just not long ago, throwing food on the floor, and spitting, and diaper changing, but now they are grown, and ready to depart for college. Wow, it is amazing how time flies.
If you are going through hard times with your little ones, or big kids, know that everything will pass, and then one day when you are old and gray and only are able to see your grand kids once in awhile, you will remember these rowdy times, these tears and hugs, and know that it was all worth it.

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