Thursday, May 14, 2020

Importance of drinking water.

I am sure we all know that water is the best thirst quencher there is. But many times we forget to drink any, or drink other beverages, and only remember to drink water, when the thirst is bad. It is easy to get dehydrated, especially here in hot summer months of California. When dehydrated we can feel tired, have more cravings for sweets, and may get a headache. That's why it is very important to start your day with water, to help not only with thirst, but to prevent other body ailments.

Jesus gives us water to drink too, only it is spiritual water for our soul. It can fill us to the brim with his love and kindness and then we can pour it out on others. If there is nothing to give, then maybe we need that infilling by the Holy Spirit, that provides us with wisdom, guidance, and that special love that only He can give us. We need to drink this water every morning as well, first thing before we start our day, then the day goes right, and we are able to accomplish more, instead of feeling rushed and unprepared, or overwhelmed.

Try not to get dehydrated, physically or spiritually, it can be devastating in both cases.

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