Sunday, January 20, 2013

Wow, its 2013 already?

A new year has started, I love everything new. New beginnings, new cars, new houses, new babies, new life, everything new is so much fun, so much to explore and learn about.
The hard part is to stick to the old… we would rather have new things and not appreciate the old. But sometimes we hold on to old draby thing and not get into the beautiful new garment…. Sounds familiar? Or am I just a bit confused?

It has been quite a busy 2012 year for me. Giving birth to my 4th child was pretty exciting, exhausting and made my life so full and so busy. With working full time and keeping my household running I believe I was lost a bit, or as far as blogging... just couldn't find a sec to update.... but this is life and sometimes we all have to stop in the middle of traffic and notice that flower growing on the curb... does this make sense, or am I still a bit confused? 

They say this is a bad flu season this year… wasn’t last year a bad year too? Or at least that’s what they said last year as well. They do say that a lot of people are dying, but its hard to get the statistics of that, and hard to pin point what people are dying from, could be the flu, could be medication overdose, or pneumonia, or some reaction to a cold. So it could be from anything, but they make it seems that it was only a very bad flu. I just don’t believe that. Working in a medical field I see how they make everyone get a flu shot to protect the patients, but then everyone seem to get sick with all kinds of colds, viruses, sinus infections, everyone are walking around coughing. I don’t know, it just makes me kind of suspicious and definitely makes me confused.
Life is busy with little kids, its so hard to find the time to read the bible, to pray, to just sit a spell for a second. I try to still find time to read books on occasion, squeeze in some time here and there, I do love to read. All the other hobbies will just have to wait until my babies are not so needy and time consuming. Of course I love them dearly and wont change a second of my time with them, but sometimes locking myself in the bathroom is the only chance I get for alone time... well of course I don't count the time I am away working outside of home, no wonder they miss me and rush to hug and be with me the minute I am home.
Everything else is going great, busy and full of life. Is this how life supposed to be? I guess its OK to be busy as long as we still stop and notice the things that really makes life precious. I read that book, Pollyanna, and she had her schedule so full at one time, that she asked her aunt, but when do I live? Doing all kind of things in life is not the same as living life with passion and doing things that we truly love and cherish.
I wish you all cherish your life this new 2013 year and spend time with God, with your family, with nature, and I hope this year will be even better than last year.

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